You need a job to apply for a visa: This is what we call the Catch 22 Dilemma

Whether you want to apply for a Resident Visa under the Skilled Migrant Category or an Essential Skills Work Visa, a New Zealand job offer will be the crucial requirement for your visa application. 

Find out how the Catch 22 Dilemma will affect your Work Visa process as well as your Resident Visa eligibility:


The Essential Skills Work Visa and the Catch 22 Dilemma:

In your Essential Skills Work Visa application, you have to prove that:

  • you have a full-time job offer,
  • you have the necessary skills and experience to work in your occupation, 
  • you have New Zealand registration if it is required to work in your profession in New Zealand, 
  • your employer has tried to recruit any suitable New Zealanders who are available to do the work before offering you the job.

You cannot submit a work visa application unless you have a job offer from a New Zealand employer. If you did so, your application would be rejected by Immigration New Zealand. 


The Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa and the Catch 22 Dilemma

In principle, to be eligible for a Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa

Feedback from our Licensed Immigration Advisers: 

"It is highly unlikely that anybody can reach the current minimum scor unless points can be claimed for an offer of skilled employment.

As long as you do not have an offer of employment, your Expression of Interested will not be selected from the Pool, and you will not receive an Invitation to Apply for a Resident Visa: you are caught in the Catch 22 Dilemma." 

"Many of our clients are overestimating the number of points they can claim in their EOI. To avoid being rejected from the Pool, we advise you to ask us to check your points score before submitting your EOI." 


Read more  on this topic: 'How many points do you need?' or to find out what it takes to qualify under the Skilled Migrant Category, see our Quick Self-Check Guide.


Find out how we can help you to find a job and how our powerful Service Fusion will empower you to overcome the Catch 22 Dilemma!

Read more about character:

Read more Visa FAQ's:

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Which Visa is Right for You?

Read more about the Points System:

Read more about health:

Read more about Critical Workers:

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