How many points will you need?

You will need six points for your Expression of Interest (EOI) to be selected.

How many points can you claim?

Check your points score under the new policy settings:

You can claim 6 points for either
- New Zealand occupational registration in a specified occupation, requiring at least 6 years of training; or
- a PhD or Doctorate; or
- income from a New Zealand job or job offer that pays 3 times the median wage in New Zealand.

You can claim 5 points for either
- New Zealand occupational registration in a specified occupation, requiring at least 5 years of training; or
- a Master’s degree.

You can claim 4 points for either
- New Zealand occupational registration in a specified occupation, requiring at least 4 years of training; or
- an Honours Degree or Post-graduate Diploma; or
- income from a New Zealand job or job offer that pays 2 times the median wage in New Zealand.

You can claim 3 points for either
- New Zealand occupational registration in a specified occupation, requiring at least 2 years of training; or
- a Bachelor’s degree or Post-graduate Certificate; or
- income from a New Zealand job or job offer that pays 1.5 times the median wage in New Zealand.

You do not qualify for the necessary 6 points yet?

The good news is that you can improve your points score!

If your current point score is three, four, or five, you can increase it by providing evidence of your work experience in New Zealand.

Each year of work experience in New Zealand earns you one point, with a maximum of three points for three years of work experience.

You must have an acceptable job or job offer in New Zealand

To qualify for a Skilled Migrant Resident visa you need a job offer.

Your employment must be with an accredited employer (an employer approved by Immigration New Zealand to employ workers on the Accredited Employer Work Visa, AEWV) and either full-time and permanent, for a fixed-term of at least 12 months or a contract for services of at least 6 months.

You must also meet all of the following standard visa requirements:

  • you must be under the age limit of 56 years
  • you must be of good character
  • you must have an acceptable standard of health
  • you must have proven English language capabilities

Read more about character:

Read more Visa FAQ's:

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Which Visa is Right for You?

Read more about the Points System:

Read more about health:

Read more about Critical Workers:

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The Skill Shortage Lists

Do you want to migrate to New Zealand?

Base your move on solid grounds: Ask us for a Free Assessment first!