If you and your partner are living together in a stable relationship, and one of you is a New Zealand Citizen or Resident, you can apply for a work or resident visa based on your relationship.
Which visa best fits your situation will depend on a variety of factors, including how long you have lived together, and your personal goals.
If you have a partner who is a NZ resident or citizen,
you might qualify for a work or residence visa.
There are several aspects to consider when applying for a Partner of a New Zealander Work or Resident Visa. You will have to provide a substantial amount of information to satisfy the requirements of Immigration NZ.
You also need to account for processing times, which at present can be over 6 months for a Work Visa and over 12 months for a Residence Visa. This puts a premium on making sure everything in your application is correct, and nothing is missing, to avoid delays and unnecessary stress.
The basic criteria Immigration NZ requires to recognise a relationship as one with the potential to be successful in a partnership based visa application is that the applicants must be living together in a genuine and stable relationship;this can be a legal marriage, a civil union or a de facto relationship.
Partners must:
Other supporting evidence:
To be successful in a partnership application, you have to offer supporting evidence to a set of requirements.
These include:
If you are currently in a relationship with a New Zealander, whether already in New Zealand or overseas, get in contact with our team of Immigration Advisers.
We can help you navigate the process of collecting and presenting the right information, so you can worry less about complications and delays and focus more on planning a life together. Ask our Licensed Immigration Advisers whether you may qualify.