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Our Job Search Specialist Mark Beltran will facilitate the next steps:

Mark will let our client know that you have shown an interest in their professional skills.

You will receive a full job application from our client and might want to offer them a formal job interview if you see the right potential in this candidate.

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You will be supported by our Licensed Immigration Advisers, who will take care of all visa related aspects of the process of offering our client a job.

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Candidate Details

Name :

Sajad Jaward
Qualification :
Software Engineer
Industry :
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Software Engineer

About our Client

Software Engineer with 3 years’ experience in Cloud/Saas and traditional web applications running on a Java & React technology stack. Skilled in full product development cycle, providing leading edge business origination platform for mobility solutions with a focus on building sustainable products and implementing new features. Experience includes Vehicle Reservation System, Healthcare System, and Content Management System (CMS). Enjoy working as part of a high performing product development team, keeping up to date with new technologies, improving on current solutions, and sharing knowledge.


•  introducing the ReactJS framework for upcoming new projects where jQuery was traditionally used

•  Improved the search speed of records by implementing a stored procedure executed in SQL server. This helped reduce data retrieval time from 16 to 3 seconds.

• Introduced the newly trending “Flutter” mobile development framework which helped change the company portfolio by listing “Mobile Development” as a portfolio item.

Professional Experience

Iconblocks Inc, New York, United States, April 2021- Present

IT / Software Company,

I joined this company as a Software Engineer and contributed by following best practices of coding and conducted code reviews to meet standards.

Software Engineer

• Following up-to-date code practices and packages to ensure the best quality of the work

• Guide and monitor trainees to become better developers

• Revamping mobile apps which were previously developed using native technologies in order to provide a rich user experience in both performance and GUI aspects


Work Portal:
A mobile and a web app solution for staff members in an organization to perform daily operations much easily. Supports for management of expenses, vacation requests, shift allocations for employees, attendance marking, survey form filling and more.

 1. Flutter framework for hybrid mobile development
 2. Hive DB – A NoSQL solution for local data management
 3. OneSignal – Push notifications
 4. Google ML Kit – Machine learning solution for image recognition
 5. FastLane – Continuous deployment tool to automate app/play store upload

 1. jQuery and Telerik UI components forthe web app
 2. Laravel framework as the back end
 3. MySQL as the database

CI/ CD Integration

• I was able to integrate CI/CD tools for mobile development which will automate the tasks of testing and deployment to App Store / Play Store. This resulted in saving time of the deployment process up to 36 minutes.


Cubo Systems International, Sri Lanka Jan 2018- March 2021

IT / Software Company,

I started with this company as a Trainee and progressed to Software Developer andSoftware Engineer

Software Engineer Feb 2019 – March 2021

• Solved complex technical barriers, and managed a team of software developers to ensure they followed best practices

• Optimised existing systems, architectural planning on new projects, maintained the codebase up-to-date, and product deployments.


Conducted the following research projects during this period:

 VoIP call over peer-to-peer.

• The client required to have a VoIP functions where one party initialises a call, and the other party receives it in a form of a normal phone call. I was able to identify all the problems faced for both iOS & Android platforms and carried out the main and sole development for this particular component.

InteractiveUI/story telling.

• The client required their story telling app to be more interactive by adding touch support on each component of the story book so those tiny pieces will animate and callout the name. I combined the Flutter mobile app with a gaming framework called“Unity” to achieve this target. The interactive parts were designed using Unity and are then exported to Flutter.


Software Developer Sept 2018 – Feb 2019

• Solutions planning, performance optimizing and identifying existing flaws, and applying fixes.

• Wrote efficient code, identified coding best practices, trained new recruits, and project deployments.


• Studied the feasibility of React JS and how it could be applied for a project.

• Was able to learn the new technology within 2 days and passed on the learnings to  colleagues.

• The new project was built using React and I contributed on development + react coding standards.


Trainee Software Developer Jan – Sept 2018

• Provided reports on existing systems, wrote and maintained efficient code, and studied existing systems.


During my training period, I was able to quickly adapt to a critical ongoing project and to develop a complex stored procedure to retrieve data more quickly.


• BSc.(Hons) in Computer Science and Software Engineering (Information Technology), University of Bedfordshire, UK Feb-Nov 2017

• Diploma in Computer Science(Software Engineering) SLIIT, Sri Lanka 2015-2016


•  Music, Hiking / Adventurous Travelling, PC Gaming, Photography, Swimming, Biking


• Clean Coding: make sure that the code is readable for everyone by following self explanatory names, refactoring code also encourage others to follow the same

ProblemSolving: One of the biggest problems I solved was a VoIP function integration. When technical knowledge was not enough, I reached out to the community to express my issues and found solutions.

• Logical Thinking: define the scope before developing a component and make sure all the questions within that scope are answered by the BA team or the client. I also address any technical barriers prior to starting the development.

• Quick Learning: learnt new technologies such as React & Flutter easily and used the knowledge to improve the team

• Taking Responsibility: when a project is handed over to me, I make sure that I have a good understanding about what I’m going to develop, and to deliver it within the agreed time-frame. Also, I make sure my team works closely to me on achieving team specific goals.

• Team Player: Interact with others in a friendly manner and encourage and motivate team members to maintain good relationships with each other and to work to the best of their abilities.

• Communication: effectiveEnglish written and verbal communication skills with proven ability to interact in a friendly and professional manner with colleagues, management, customers and stakeholders

Technical Skills

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