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Our Job Search Specialist Mark Beltran will facilitate the next steps:

Mark will let our client know that you have shown an interest in their professional skills.

You will receive a full job application from our client and might want to offer them a formal job interview if you see the right potential in this candidate.

If you decide that you would like to offer the role to our client, we will help to make the next steps as smooth as possible.

You will be supported by our Licensed Immigration Advisers, who will take care of all visa related aspects of the process of offering our client a job.

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Candidate Details

Name :

Qualification :
Full Stack Developer
Industry :
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Full Stack Developer

About our Client

Full Stack Developer with 3 years experience with React and Node.js to build responsive web applications. Deep understanding of JavaScript, including legacy versions and new ES6+ features, with experience in working on project teams with more than 6 developers, and asa sole developer working with a team of UX and UI designers. Effective communication skills with people from different areas of expertise and strong commitment to cooperative teamwork to increase performance and efficiency. Skilled in demo-ing new features and discussing requirements and technical implications of new components by keeping myself updated on new trends and best practices.


Professional Experience

Web UI Developer, SSr Adv Oct 2021 to date

IT and Software Development

• Front End Developer creating highly interactive interfaces with responsive behaviour across all screen sizes, using technologies such as JavaScript, React, CSS/SASSand HTML

• Conduct daily agile meetings to sync with the team and discuss project progress

• Set the requirements for the components to be developed

• Demo the components to get feedback before delivering code to be reviewed and tested


•  Developed components for the Life Time Tactical Weight Loss App using React, Next.js. andTypeScript

•  Developed the front-end of Life Time Fitness's new components and website pages usingJavaScript and Sass to create dynamic and animated components

•  Was  acknowledged by management for my performance and contribution to improve the development process


Software Developer May 2020 - Oct 2021

Software Developer Intern July 2019 - May 2020

Computer Technology and Software

• Full Stack Engineer working on developing database management tool Oracle DatabaseActions using JavaScript, Knockout.js, Oracle REST Data Services and PL/SQL.

•  Took ownership of an open source library used for giving tours in web applications, updated the code, added new features and improved it to use in the main project and reviewed co-workers' code

• Conducted regular meetings with the team and the product owner to demo new features

• Integrated Swagger UI into the main project using React and NodeJS to automate documentation and testing of RESTful APIs.


Web Developer (part-time, 20 hours per week) Feb – June 2019

Remote software consultancy focusing on strategic design

• Developed the application front end using JavaScript, jQuery, HTML and CSS

• Worked with third party APIs such as Mapbox, OpenWeatherMap and Elevation API.

• Developed agriculture application for tracking planting process of different crops usingJavaScript, jQuery and SQL.


Additional Projects

• Conway’sGame of Life App

Developed an app with React where you can play Conway's Game of Life drawing patterns, changing colours, size and shape. It is hosted on Heroku.

• Movie Recommendation Engine

This was my capstone project at the university in a team of three. I designed and developed the web app and helped design the machine learning implementation to recommend movies. We usedReact, Python, Flask and MySQL as the main tech stack.

•  RESTful APIs

Developed RESTful APIs with authentication and using JWT Tokens, both with Node.js and Python.


Other Experience

Working Holiday in New Zealand Aug - Dec 2015
Before starting university studies, I took a year off in which I spent 5 months travelling and working around New Zealand. I worked at a packing house and a restaurant where I learned a lot about working with people from all around the world.


Bachelor of Informatics Engineering in Computer Science (GPA: 97/100) 2016- 2020

•  Participated in coding competition (Gran Premio deMexico ACM ICPC 2018) in which my team achieved third place.


• Completed 480 hours of community work as a teaching assistant for the Relational Databases course. Besides my help with the class I contributed with my capstone project, a machine learning movie recommendation engine to be used as a case study by students at the university

• Completed 480 hours of community work planting trees at Colomos Urban Forest in 2014

• Enjoy playing tennis once a week with my friends and fiancée

• Love reading including listening to audiobooks while going for a walk

• Adopted the practice of writing 20 minutes a day and it is now one of my favourite activities to relax and meditate


• JavaScriptES6+: used with many frameworks, libraries and purposes, from developing web applications front and backend to writing scripts to help with file tasks or testing

• HTML:to build semantic rich and accessible web content

• CSS/SCSS: to build beautiful and interactive web applications providing high fidelity designs across different screen sizes, and for creating web animations

• React/Next.js: build modern and fast web applications with reusable components

• Node.js/Express: Develop RESTful APIs with built-in authentication

• SQLand Non-SQL Databases: experience designing, building and managing data bases for different applications

• jQuery:not used often with ES6 features now available but have worked a lot with this technology

• Python with Flask: develop applications backend as a REST API with built-in authentication

• Git: Use this daily in all software projects to manage the versions and development process

• Bootstrap: used when the design of an application was not the main priority and a clean interface was needed with standard components for faster development

Technical Skills

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