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How can I bring my pet to New Zealand?

Biosecurity New Zealand stipulates that live animals may not enter New Zealand without meeting specific conditions.

These will depend on the type of animal and country of origin. Entry conditions are described in the appropriate Import Health Standard.

A Permit to Import may be required and animals may have to undergo Post Entry Quarantine at a MAF approved facility. Some animals may be prohibited due to their protected status (see the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species).

If your animal does need to be quarantined you must, before applying for a Permit to Import, contact a quarantine facility in New Zealand to reserve a space for your animal(s). When you book a space the quarantine facility will send you a letter of confirmation, and this must be included with your permit application.

Animal products

All animal products - from pet food to heat-and-eat meals to poultry feather meal products - also require Import Health Standards.

Cats and dogs

If you intend to bring your cat or dog with you, check the requirements in the personal travel section. Cats and dogs coming from Australia, United Kingdom, Sweden, Norway, Hawaii and Singapore do not require quarantine, but do require certification and will be inspected for ticks on arrival. Learn also about exporting your pet.


If the animal you are importing requires medication, you may be able to import the medicine, though will need approval from the Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines Group. Or view the protocol for accompanied animals entering New Zealand that require medication.

Import Health Standards

Import Health Standards (IHS) are documents detailing the import conditions for live animals and animal products into New Zealand.  They define the conditions that must, if an import is to be made, be met in the country of origin or of export, during transit, importation and quarantine.

Registered Quarantine Facilities for Cats and Dogs

There are four MAF registered quarantine facilities for domestic cats and dogs into New Zealand.

For importations where a post-entry quarantine period is required, a Permit to Import will NOT be issued unless the importer has a letter from a quarantine facility stating that space has been booked for the animal.

For all enquires relating to the costs involved with quarantine and the conditions of quarantine (feeding, visitation rights etc) the operator of the facility should be contacted directly.

The following are the registered facilities:

Auckland Quarantine Ltd (Auckland)

  • Address: 235 Brookby Road, Rd 1, Manurewa 2576
  • Proprietor: Graeme Bell
  • Telephone: 09 216 6012
  • Email: info@aucklandquarantine.co.nz

Pethaven Quarantine Services (Auckland)

  • Address: 71a Homestead Road, RD1 Pokeno
  • Proprietor: Mrs Robyn Van Den Brink
  • Telephone: +64 9 233 6301
  • Email: pethaven@xtra.co.nz

Qualified Pet Services (Auckland)

  • Address: 150 Airfield Road, Takanini
  • Proprietor: Mr Raymond Cheung
  • Telephone: +64 9 299 9539
  • Email: services@qualifiedpet.co.nz

Canterbury Quarantine Services Ltd (Christchurch)

  • Address: Highfield Road, Aylesbury - PO Box 23158
  • Proprietor: Chris & Lindsey Ward
  • Telephone: +64 3 318 1279
  • Email: wumba@xtra.co.nz

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