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Candidate Details

Name :

Maren Maruhn
Qualification :
Scientific Programme Manager
Industry :
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Scientific Programme Manager

About our Client

Programme Manager in scientific research with broad knowledge in biology, agriculture as well as experience in science and administration. Good understanding of the research landscape and experience in the authorisation, accompanying and monitoring of third-party projects. Good communicator, effective at liaising between funding recipient and project execution organisations. Certified Project Manager with a Masters in Biology and fluency in English and German, proficiency in Latin and basic Spanish.


Key Competencies

• Finding information/Research: I have a knack for finding the necessary information in not so obvious places.

• Project management: Through advanced training (Certified Project Management Associate, IPMA® Level D, 2021; Professional Scrum Master, PSM I, 2021) and working in the Project "Emphasis on Competence in Bio-based Products” I have theoretical knowledge and practical experience.

• Evaluation of applications/proof of use: Based on my experience in science, I evaluate applications regarding eligibility of scientific and budgetary planning, regarding public procurement law/public funding law, policies and regulations.

• Adjustment of projects: Accompanying and monitoring ongoing projects in technical and administrative terms and clarifying fundamental issues during the various project stages (application, implementation and completion) with BMEL (ministry), applicants/project holders, other funding organisations etc.

• Experiments: Planned, organised, executed and evaluated field experiments concerning aromatic plants and renewable resources

Professional Experience

Policy Analyst & Programme Manager

Jan 2022 – present

Overview: Administration of third-party projects in agricultural sciences including evaluation of applications, applicants and proof of use as well as providing support and facilitating necessary adjustments during the project term.

• Approach suitable applicants in industry and science

• Advise applicants, inter alia re project design

• Evaluate applications and quotes regarding public procurement law/public funding law; applications on expenditure and cost basis

• Develop decision proposals for the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL); authorise projects

• Clarify fundamental issues during the various project stages (application, implementation and completion) with BMEL, applicants/project holders, other funding organisations etc.

• Accompany and monitor ongoing projects in technical and administrative terms

• Evaluate measures implemented in respect of the funding purpose


Research Assistant (Part-time)

Nov- Dec 2021

Overview: Researched, recruited and communicated with reviewers for interdisciplinary funding programmes as well as documenting the progress and preparing applicants’ files for the selections in SAP

• Recruited reviewers for IFI funding programmes (computer science) and the postdoc programmes PRIME and Postdoc

• Internet searches, and communicated with reviewers (in German and English), incl. sending the documents via OneDrive

• Continuously updated Excel spreadsheets associated with the search for reviewers

• Prepared applicants’ files for selections in SAP


Research Assistant (Part-time)

Oct 2017 – Sept 2020

Overview: Realization of project goals including the research, design, organisation and execution of experiments, data evaluation, as well as various tasks surrounding university research, working with students, organising conferences and preparing reports.

• Co-author in the ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) - Project "Emphasis on Competence in Bio-based Products” for the INRES Institute of crop science and resource conservation, department of renewable resources

• Managed projects at the subproject "Bioactive Additives", prepared project reports, records and representative texts and designed publications, lectures and posters and drew up cooperation agreements

• Targeted research and evaluation of literature and information

• Researched, planned and organised research work with plants from international sources: import/export (customs, transportation regulations), species conservation, CITES and environmental convention (Nagoya-Protocol)

• Managed meetings with cooperation partners and led employees during trials

• Supervised Bachelor and Master students within the course of thesis work and seminars

• Planned, implemented, recorded data and evaluated experiments

• Conducted practical work with renewable resources (Paulownia) and medicinal and spice plants (thyme, horse chestnut, Artemisia) and field and greenhouse experiments regarding different factors like species comparison, nutrition supply, water supply, young plant propagation and secondary metabolites

• Evaluated data and prepared data visualisation using MS Excel and IBM SPSS Statistics

• Public relations work at conferences, at the “Dies Academicus” and on Open Day at the Campus Klein-Altendorf, including holding own lectures

• Financial supervisor for the 8th conference for medicinal and spice plants

Research Assistant

• “Development of pollination management in medicinal plant cultivation to improve the yield with simultaneous benefits for ecosystem services" (Aug-Sept 2017).

Overview: Data acquisition through catching and identifying pollinators in different crop plants in the field.

• “Development and implementation of a Drum Priming Procedure for the ecological cultivation of special crops“ (July 2017).

Overview: Sowing and planting of medicinal plants and data acquisition through assessing physical properties.

Financial Research Assistant

April-June 2017:
• Digitalised old contracts for archiving

April-October 2016:

• Created contracts, processed policies and information as well as post-processing


• While studying I was employed as a Tutor/Student Assistant (Oct-Nov 2015 and May –July 2014) preparing teaching materials and tutoring of students in Cellular Biology and Biodiversity of Plants.

• Between Nov 2016 and March 2017 I worked and traveled (WWOOFing) in New Zealand (Farms, Northland and Moana Lodge, Plimmerton). Carrying out tasks like planting, cultivation and patch design as well as housekeeping in a hostel.


• Master of Science (M. Sc.) in Organismic Biology, Evolutionary Biology and Palaeobiology (OEP-Biology), Specialisation: Sustainability, ecology, behaviour, evolution (2016)

• Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.) in Biology, Specialisation: Ecology, biodiversity (2012)


Advanced Training & Certificates 

• Certified Project Management Associate (IPMA® Level D, May 2021) 

• Professional Scrum Master (PSM I, Jun 2021) 

• Quality Officer (TÜV-certification, Jul 2021) 

• Writing Research Applications 

• Publishing Research Articles 

• Good Scientific Practice 
& Scientific Communication



Technical Skills

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